Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Let’s meditate in the previous Verses

Lesson # 796 From the Noble Quran

Let’s meditate in the previous Verses

Surah ‘Al-‘An-‘aam (Cattle) – Chapter – 6)–Stage - 2

Verse –139 & 140 of 165, Section – 16 of 20 (Part - 8)


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


The real lesson of Islam, which desires to teach the humankind, is “Tawheed, Unity, Oneness of God (Allah Almighty)” and it has been manifested very clearly in this Chapter (Surah). It is revealed that the Muslims must remain firm upon the Monotheism strictly and should not approach any such thing, due to which, even the slightest disruption occurs in the Unity.   

The word Tawheed has been derived from wahdat, which means “a unit” i.e. to be one. From it, the word wahdaaniyat has been made. The thing, which is one, is called waahid and ‘ahad (both words are used for it). So the name of Allah Almighty is Waahid as well as ‘Ahad too. Tawheed means “to say about something or having belief that it is one”.

But in Islam, Tawheed means, “Saying that Allah Almighty is Waahid and ‘Ahad, that is to say; One, and considering that only He is entitled to be worshipped and deserves actual Reverence, and neither bowing, nor disgracing oneself before anyone else and nor obeying the order of anyone else against God’s Command, whether that “anyone else” is a person, a thing or any desire of own.

Doing those acts, which are permitted and commanded by Allah Almighty and refrain from those things, which He has forbidden, is Islam”. He has inspired upon His last Messenger, Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him) - the entire matters regarding – “Do and Do not” very clearly in the Holy Qur’an that, which deeds must be done and which must not be done, and sent for all the humankind and jinn of the world.

Acceptance of these all commands exists in Kalimah Tayyibah

“Laa ‘ilaaha ‘il-lAllaahu Muhammadur- Rasuul Ullah {(There is none worthy of worship but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah) (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him)}. As soon as any person recites this Kalimah, enters in Islam and then, abiding by the Commands of Allah Almighty faithfully, that person gains the Belief in Allah Almighty. The Belief has many degrees and every degree is named as ‘Iimaan (the Faith). The Light comes in ‘Iimaan by obeying Allah Almighty with confidence and certainty, and it increases step by step with the Belief.

It does not suit to any Muslim if any disorder occurs in Tawheed (Oneness of God Almighty). The interruption occurs in Tawheed either because of having belief in the characteristics of Allah Almighty into someone else like Him, for instance, having belief that someone other than Allah Almighty has the power too to kill, to animate, to provide the food and bestow the children etc.

Only Allah Almighty has all of these Powers and there is none else, who has any power to do anything. Therefore, praying someone, asking someone to fulfill own desire and making a vow from anybody is wrong. Not only it is wrong but it is belief in a plurality of Allah Almighty also, which is biggest sin. According to the Word of Allah Almighty, ascribing plurality to God is called barbarity and most cruel tyranny. It is such a sin about which it has been described clearly that it can never be forgiven.

Like this, presenting offering and sacrifice in the name of anything other than Allah Almighty, or restricting upon anything that such a one must eat it, whereas so and so must not, or accepting the decision of someone else against the command of Holy Qur’an is also paganism as we have come to know it in the previous verses. Going unto the venerable persons or on their shrines with the intention that they can fulfill our desires, is also the doctrine of plurality of gods.

However, requesting the pious people to pray for them from Allah Almighty is not wrong, but it is the source of acceptance. Blessings are achieved by sitting near the friends and servants of Allah Almighty and it refreshes the Belief in Allah Almighty. These blessings can be acquired by visiting the tombs of the Saints also. It is reasonable to go there with this intention that only Allah Almighty is, Who can fulfill desires, give food or children and remove the hardships and none else can do anything.

‘IyyaaKa  na’-budu  wa ‘iyyaaKa  nasta-’iin. (Thee (alone) we worship; and Thee (alone) we ask for help). It is the Declaration of this matter that neither we need any recommendation from anyone else save Allah Almighty and nor ask for help except Him.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif)

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