Lesson # 1065 from
Holy Qur’aan
Saying contrary to the True Religion
Chapter – 9)
Stage – 2, Verse – 30
of 129, Section – 5 of 16 (Part – 10)
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
30. And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah,
and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying
with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old.
May Allah destroy them. How perverse are they!
30. Wa
qaa-latil-Yahuudu ‘Uzayru-nib-nUllaahi wa
Zaalika qaw-luhum bi-‘afwaa-hihim. Yuzaahi-‘uuna qaw-lalla-ziina kafaruu
min- qabl. Qaatala-humUllaah. ‘Annaa
Yuzaahi-‘uuna – (they imitate), the origin of this word is muzaahaatun,
which is from Zahii. Zahii means “to be alike of someone”. Muzaahaatun
means “to make alike, to copy, to compete with”.
It is commanded that the Jews caused to ascend a mankind, whose name
was Ezra (peace be upon Him), so much that they began to say him “the son of
God” (Let us flee to God). There is no doubt in it that they were outstretched
in knowledge during those days, and
their honor and respect were not inaccurate up to a reasonable range, but
saying someone “the son of God” is very rude way to honor.
From it, dishonor of God is obvious (God forbid). Concept of God
Almighty demands that He should be Exalted, Solitary, the Owner of all the
Power and Pure from being son or father of anyone. It appeared from their
belief that they do not have faith in God Almighty as it is required.
The Christians were also taken in the same (deception). And they began
to say Jesus Messiah (peace be upon Him) – the son of God. These things are as
of the disbelievers, and have been coming down since long before them in Romans, Grecian and other unbelievers. And these people have begun the same in their imitation.
May God destroy them. How perverse are they?
One acquaintance of the Religion of Truth is known from this verse that
no humankind or his apparent or ideal idol can ever be exalted too much, during
his life or after death, that he becomes partner or co-sharer in the
Sovereignty of Allah Almighty and His specified Attributes.
Second recognizance of the Religion of Truth is that it strengthens to
have belief in the Day of Judgment, and it is the necessary result of believing
in the Omnipotence of God; that He is empower to give life again; after death
and questioning about every human being’s deeds.